#1 - Hard Yahoo Logical Mathematics Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

In an old town, there lived a pot maker who wanted to sell the last stock of his craft to a merchant. When the merchant asked him how many pots he had, he replied that he was unable to count after 100. But he gave him certain clues to figure out for himself:

If the number of pots are divided by two, there will be one left.
If they are divided by three, there will be one left.
If they are divided by four, there will be one left.
If they are divided by five, there will be one left.
If they are divided by six, there will be one left.
If they are divided by seven, there will be one left.
If they are divided by eight, there will be one left.
If they are divided by nine, there will be one left.
If they are divided by ten, there will be one left.
But if they are divided by eleven, there will be no pot left.

Can you find the number of pots, the pot maker possess?

#2 - Yahoo Logical Mathematics Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Suppose that you are building a tower using play bricks. A white brick is 19 mm tall whereas a black brick is 21 mm tall.

If you want to build a tower 562 mm tall, how many of each will be required?

#3 - Complicated Logical Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Briana possess three boxes that vary in sizes. One is large, one is medium and one is small. She places 11 large boxes on her bed. Then, she places 8 medium sized boxes in some and leave some empty. Now she puts 8 small boxes in some of the medium ones and leave the others empty. The small boxes are all empty and now she 102 out of all the boxes on the bed are empty.

How many boxes did Briana used?

#4 - Distance and Speed Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Peter travels 20 km a day uniformly. John starts from the same point peter started after three days. He travels at a speed of 15 km a day on the first day, at 19 km a day of the second day and so on following an arithmetic progression.

In how many days will he catch up with Peter?

#5 - Yahoo Tricky Series Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Find the next term in the series

1, 3/2, 5/4, 7/8, __?

#6 - Morgan Stanley Series Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Find the next term in the series
1, 2, 4, 10, 16, 40, 64, __?

#7 - Cisco Series Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Find the next term in the sequence
23, 25, 53, 163, 657, 3291, __?

#8 - Genentech Interview Popular Series Question

Difficulty Popularity

Find out the next number in the series
13, 44, 88, 176, 847, __?

#9 - Ultimate Software Interview Cost Question

Difficulty Popularity

There is a precious gem whose cost is directly proportional with the cube of its weight. That gem is broken into three pieces whose weights are in the ratio of 4:5:6. If the gem was broken into three pieces of equal weights, then the merchant would have suffered a further loss of 24000.

Can you calculate the cost price of the unbroken fem?

#10 - NetApp Interview Series Question

Difficulty Popularity

Complete the following sequence
0, 0.5777, 1, 1.732, __?

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