#1 - Area of Rectangle Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You have a rectangle. If each side of it is increased by 100%, by what percentage will the area increase?

#2 - Length of Room Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A room's width is half of its length. If we reduce both length and width by 6, then the area is differed by 108.

What is the length of the room?

#3 - Interview Area Problem

Difficulty Popularity

If I want to increase the length of the rectangle by 20% and decrease the breadth of the rectangle by 20%, then the area is

a) Increases by 4%
b) Decreases by 4%
c) Remains Same
d) None of the Above

#4 - Vacant Floor Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A building for sale has 16 floors. Company A comes and occupies seven floors. Company B takes four floors.

If the total area of each floor is 12000 square feet, calculate the vacant floor space.

#5 - Find Volume Maths Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

There is a cylindrical tank which has closed surface on both the ends. The tank is filled half and contains 36 pie cubic feet of water. If the tank is placed with its circular base on a flat surface, the height of water becomes 4 feet. If we place the tank on its side on the same flat surface.

What is the height (in feet) of the surface of the water above the ground?

#6 - Maths Area Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

The area of a square plot with each side of 6cms is equal to the area of a rectangular plot having the width of 2.5 cms each.

What is the length of the rectangular plot?

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