The following Zucchetti Interview Puzzles are brought to you by GPuzzles.Com. If you are one of the students preparing for interviews, this section can brief you regarding the format of Interview Questions in Zucchetti.

A Basic info about the company:
Zucchetti is an Italian that produces solutions software, hardware and services to companies, banks, insurance companies, professional and trade associations. The origins of the group date back to the eponymous accounting firm who in 1978 made the first program in Italy for the automatic processing of tax returns.

By reading and solving these Zucchetti Interview Puzzles, you can enhance your aptitude skills which will help you a lot during the interview process.

Zucchetti Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #1 - Logicians Interview Puzzle

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Hundred most brilliant logicians are handpicked from the world and invited to a room. But before they could enter, they are told that at least one of them has a black forehead. Whenever anyone can frame out that he is having a black forehead, he needs to leave the room when the lights are turned off. After that, the lights are turned back on and those who could infer that their forehead was black have left the room.

What happens if they have painted every forehead black?

Zucchetti Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #2 - Box with Defective Balls Interview Question

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Here is a situation. You have 10 boxes that contains balls with each of the ball weighing 10 grams precisely. Now among the boxes, one of the box comprises of defective balls with each defective ball weighing 9 grams. You have been provided with an electronic weighing machine but you are allowed to use it only once.

Can you find out which box contains defective balls?

Zucchetti Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #3 - Tolling Bells Tricky Interview Problem

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In a school, six bells are installed. All of them commence tolling together at the intervals of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 and 12 seconds respectively. Can you find out how many times do they toll together in thirty minutes?

Zucchetti Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #4 - Number Series Interview Problem With Answer

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Can you deduce the missing number in the series ?

5, 10, 13, 26, 29, 58, 61, ?

Zucchetti Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #5 - Time To Complete Work Interview Problem

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Machine X manufactures microchips at a uniform rate of 120 every 40 seconds and Machine Y produces microchips at a uniform rate of 100 every 20 seconds.

If both of the machines are allowed to run together, how many seconds will it take for them to manufacture 200 microchips ?

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