In this post, you will come across Cvent Interview Puzzles compiled by GPuzzles.Com. Since so many students are looking for interview puzzles for preparation, we came up with this idea. The following post comprising of Cvent Interview Questions is part of the initiative.

A Basic info about the company:
This company deals primary in providing online software for Event Management, Online Marking and Online Surveys.

Before you plan on giving interviews, you must read and solve these Cvent Interview Puzzles as they can brush up your aptitude and puzzle solving skills enabling you with a better confidence in the actual interview.

Cvent Interview Puzzle #1 - Interview Area Problem

Difficulty Popularity

If I want to increase the length of the rectangle by 20% and decrease the breadth of the rectangle by 20%, then the area is

a) Increases by 4%
b) Decreases by 4%
c) Remains Same
d) None of the Above

Cvent Interview Puzzle #2 - Maths Number of Coins Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Riya breaks her piggy bank. She has only 20 and 25 paise coins in her piggy bank. Total number of coins are 50 and that adds up to make 11.25 Rupees.

How many 20 paise coins are present?
a) 28
b) 27
c) 26
d) 25

Cvent Interview Puzzle #3 - Find Ratio Interview Problem With Answers

Difficulty Popularity

Mr. and Mrs. Smith have moved into their new apartment in a new city. Both of them have a passion for reading romance books and have packed several boxes of romance fictions.

IMr. Smith packed 60% of the total boxes.

what is the ratio of the number of boxes Mrs. Smith packed to the number of boxes Mr. Smith packed ?

Cvent Interview Puzzle #4 - Maths Percentage Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

A tank going for a research laboratory contains a solution of 10,000 gallons which is 5 percent of potassium chloride by volume. If 2500 gallons of water evaporated from the tank while traveling.

What will be the remaining percentage of potassium chloride in the remaining solution ?

Cvent Interview Puzzle #5 - Logic Maths Cube Interview Questions

Difficulty Popularity

Aamir has a cube with 4 inch side. He paints it red, green and black on the opposite faces. After that, he cuts it into one inch cubes. Answer the following questions (1-4) relating them with the once inch cubes.

How many cubes are left with only one face painted?
a) 8
b) 16
c) 24
d) 32

How many cubes have two of their faces painted?
a) 8
b) 16
c) 24
d) 32

How many cubes have four faces painted?
a) 0
b) 4
c) 8
d) 12

How many cubes are left with none of their faces painted?
a) 0
b) 4
c) 8
d) 12

Cvent Interview Puzzle #6 - Facebook Mathematics Sets Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

A Facebook page like campaign has a budget of Rs.2000. Supriya was able to bring 420 likes and Ahana was able to bring 280 likes.

How much money should Supriya Receive?

Cvent Interview Puzzle #7 - Series Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Complete the following sequence
1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, __?

Cvent Interview Puzzle #8 - Easiest Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Michael covers a distance of 715 Km in 13 hours and Lincoln covers a distance of 385 Km in 7 hours in their respective cars.

What is the difference between the speeds of their cars?

Cvent Interview Puzzle #9 - Sweet Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You have three types of sugars - a, b and c costing Rs.95/Kg, Rs.100/Kg and Rs.70/Kg respectively. If you are told that you have to mix equal amount of b and cm how much Kgs of each would you have to blend in order to produce 100 Kg of mixture that is worth Rs.90/Kg?

Cvent Interview Puzzle #10 - Tricky Time Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A Bucket contains x drops and it leaks z drops in t seconds. How many minutes are needed to empty the bucket?

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