CrimsonLogic Interview Puzzle #1 - Water Gallon Puzzle

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There are 3 gallons A B C.

Gallon A having max capacity of 8 liters is currently filled with 5 liters of Water.
Gallon B having max capacity of 5 liters is currently filled with 3 liters of Water.
Gallon C having max capacity of 3 liters is currently filled with 2 liters of Water.

How can you measure 1 liter of Water in minimum number of steps ?

CrimsonLogic Interview Puzzle #2 - Hard Probability Puzzle

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A primitive village follows a strange custom. They have babies only to have a boy. Whenever a boy is born in a family, they stop having babies and whenever a girl is born, they have a baby again and again till a boy is born.

The probability of having a boy is same as the probability of having a girl. What will be the proportion of boys to girls in the village after some time?

CrimsonLogic Interview Puzzle #3 - Hard River Crossing Puzzle

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There are two villages separated with a river. Each day, four people cross the river through a bridge to work on the other side and earn for their families. On one night when they were returning from work, they noticed that the bridge was about to collapse. Now all of them wanted to cross the bridge before it collapsed as no one wanted to be stuck on that end without their families.

They had just one torch with them and since it was the night time, they could not see without it. The bridge had become weak and it could only accommodate two people at a time. It was going to collapse in just 17 minutes.

The four people took different times to cross the bridge. First one took only a minute, second one took 2 minutes, third one took 5 minutes and the last one took 10 minutes.

How would all of them have managed to cross the bridge in time?

CrimsonLogic Interview Puzzle #4 - Classic Lateral Thinking Problem

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There are two glasses in front of you. One of the glasses is full of coke and the other glass is full of lemonade. You take a spoonful of coke and mix it into the glass of lemonade. Now the lemonade glass has a mixture of coke and lemonade. You take a spoonful of that mixture and mix it inside the coke glass.

Now what do you think? - The glass with coke has more quantity of lemonade or the glass with lemonade have more quantity of coke mixed with it?

CrimsonLogic Interview Puzzle #5 - Cake Grandma bridge Logic Problem

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Rohit is on his way to visit your Grandma, who lives at the end of the state.It's her birthday, and he want to give her the cakes that he has made.Between his place and her grandma house, he need to cross 7 toll bridges.
Before you can cross the toll bridge, you need to give them half of the cakes you are carrying, but as they are kind trolls, they each give you back a single cake.

How many cakes do rohit have to carry with him so he can reach his grandma home with exactly 2 cakes?

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