Blue Jeans Interview Puzzle #1 - Age of Children Interview Puzzle

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Lincoln and Michael gets acquainted in a bar. Lincoln offers a drink to Michael and they begin chatting. After a small conversation, Lincoln comes to know that Michael is married and has three children. He asks him, "How old are your children?" Michael thinks and then replies that the product of his children's ages is 72. Lincoln is puzzled and says that the information is not enough.

Michael tells him that if he goes outside and look at the building number posted on the door to the bar, he will get the sum of their ages. Lincoln goes outside and returns. Still puzzled, He tells Michael that the information is still not enough. Michael smiles and tells him that his youngest child loves strawberry ice cream.

How old are the children?

Blue Jeans Interview Puzzle #2 - Mthematics Score Interview Question

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Anabelle scores 55 percent marks in eight papers of 100 marks each. She 15 percent of her total marks in mathematics.

How much did Anabelle scored in mathematics?

Blue Jeans Interview Puzzle #3 - Football Game Interview Puzzle

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In a football league, a certain team which played 60 games had won 30 percent of the games. But the team performed a winning streak and raised its average to 50 percent.

How many games must they have won in a row to raise their average to 50 percent?

Blue Jeans Interview Puzzle #4 - Length of Bridge Interview Question

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Alex Mahone was standing on a bridge and precisely 5m away from the center of the bridge. He saw a train coming from the end that was nearest to him. Seeing it, he ran towards the train and managed to jump off the track when the train was 2m away from the bridge. However, if he would have run in the opposite direction, the train would have hit him 2m before the end of the bridge.

If the speed of train is four times that of Alex Mahone, what is the length of the bridge in meters?

Blue Jeans Interview Puzzle #5 - Number of Coins Interview Puzzle

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There is a machine that contains the change of Re.1, Rs.2 and Rs.5 coins. There are total 30 coins present in the machine and the total amount sums up to Rs.960. If the Re.1 coins and Rs.2 coins are interchanged, the total amount will drop down by Rs.40.

Can you calculate the number of Rs.5 coins in the machine?

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