Mind Teasers : Number Series Brain Teaser Image

Difficulty Popularity

Solve the brain teaser in the image below

category : SERIES | PICTURE


Mind Teasers : Unlock The Distance Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Distances from you to Man united is written below.

CHELSEA and ARSENAL are 700 kms away
SPURS 1800 kms away
WOLVES 200 kms away

Based on the system , How far should it be to MANCITY ?

Mind Teasers : Really Good Clever Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A young lady was approached by an elderly woman who took her hand and meeting her eyes said to her, "You look starkly similar of my daughter. I lost her last month. I loved her a lot. Can you do me a favor? Can you say 'Goodbye mother' as I leave this restaurant. I will feel good if you do."

The young lady was puzzled but seeking her kind eyes, she agreed. As the elderly woman was leaving the restaurant, she said, "Goodbye mother" waving her hand toward her with a kind expression on her face.

Soon after, she received the shock of her life. Can you guess what it was?

Mind Teasers : Thinking Age Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Two friends , Torres and Lampard, meet after a long time.

Torres: Hey, how are you man?
Lampard: Not bad, got married and I have three kids now.
Torres: That's awesome. How old are they?
Lampard: The product of their ages is 72 and the sum of their ages is the same as your birth date.
Torres: Cool..But I still don't know.
Lampard: My eldest kid just started taking piano lessons.
Torres: Oh now I get it.

How old are Lampard's kids?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : The problem of the family of Amazon

Difficulty Popularity

While walking through the deepest jungle of the amazon, Steve the explorer came across a mystical tomb. He went closer and it read:
"Here lies two faithful husbands, with their two faithful wives,
Here lies two grandmothers along with their two granddaughters,
Here lies two dad's along with their two beloved daughters,
Here lies two mothers along with their two lovely sons,
Here lies two maidens along with their two charming mothers,
Here lies two sisters along with their two amazing brothers.
All were born legitimate, with no incest."
Steve, then checked and saw that there were only 6 graves in total

How was this possible? Steve needs your help to figure it out.

Mind Teasers : Ias Logic Question

Difficulty Popularity

A guy claims to do the following thing. He puts a coin in a glass bottle. Then, he shuts the mouth of the bottle with the help of a cork. Now he manages to remove the coin out from the bottle without taking out the cork or breaking the glass bottle.

Do you know how he can do it?

Mind Teasers : Unique Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

It takes ten minutes to fry a steak (five minutes for each side). You are frying the steaks in a pan that can accommodate only two steaks at one time. What is the least amount of time by which you can fry all the three steaks you have?

Mind Teasers : Hard Chess Puzzle Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Your pieces are white.
You need to win in half a move.

How can you do this ?

category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Tough Two Jug Measuring Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I got two jugs of
A) 11 liter
B) 6 liter

How can I measure exactly 9 liters ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

Mind Teasers : What Do you See - Brick Optical Illusion Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What except brick can you see in the picture below?

category : PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Classy Age Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Dean Sam and Castiel are three brothers.
Interestingly their current age is prime.
What's more interesting that difference between their ages is also prime.

How old are they ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

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