Mind Teasers : Child Play Riddle

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There is room in which no one can enter and no one can leave.

which room i am talking about ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE


Mind Teasers : Ten From Nine Toothpicks Trick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If you were asked to pick nine toothpicks and make them ten without breaking any of them, how will you do it?

Mind Teasers : Decrypt Password Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A person has uncovered a secret that was a mystery for ages. He transfers the data into his hard drive and encrypts the drive with a password. Then, he writes a line on a paper to remember the password.

The line says 'You force heaven to be empty'.

Can you decrypt the line to reveal the password if you know that the password is seven characters long that comprise of just letters and numbers?
category : LOGIC | CIPHER

Mind Teasers : Most Popular Logical Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Outside a room there are three light switches. One of switch is connected to a light bulb inside the room.
Each of the three switches can be either 'ON' or 'OFF'.

You are allowed to set each switch the way you want it and then enter the room(note: you can enter the room only once)

Your task is to then determine which switch controls the bulb ??
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Logic Coins Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Assuming i have an infinite supply of coins.

What is the fewest number of coins would be required in order to make sure each and every coin touched exactly three other coins.

Mind Teasers : Terrorist Attack Security Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

UNO plans a gathering.
However there is threat of terrorist attack. So security guard who is a mathematical plans somethings to secure the place.

A terrorist stands nearby the door where
1st ambassador comes , the security guard said 'twelve' and ambassador replied with 'six'.
2nd ambassador comes , the security guard said 'six' and ambassador replied with 'three'.

The terrorist thinks its enough and walks to the door.
The security person said 'eight' , terrorist replied 'four' and get immediately arrested.

why ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Pattern Age Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If neha is 10
Both Sonali and priyanka is 15
Both sadaf and tanu is 10.

how much is prinka by the same system ?
category : LOGIC | CIPHER

Mind Teasers : Best Maths Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A competitive exam was held in which five students took part namely Billy, Gerry, Clark, Peeta and Jonathan. In this exam, they had to answer five questions each out of which, three had multiple choices as a, b or c and two were simple true and false questions. The five of them gave different answers to the questions and the details are as given below.

Name 1 2 3 4 5

Gerry c b True True False

Billy c c True True True

Clark a c False True True

Peeta b a True True False

Jonathan a b True False True

None of the two students gave the same number of correct answers. Can you find out the correct answers to the question? Also, calculate the individual score of all the five guys.
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Passcode Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Shruti's daughter Arshika need to be picked from the school every day.
Shruti asks one of her colleagues to pick her from school. Shruti devised a password mechanism to confirm that Arshika goes with the correct person only.
The password on Monday was SAM16.
The password on Wednesday was HRW39.

What will the password for Friday?

category : LOGIC | CIPHER

Mind Teasers : Relation Sorcery Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The father of a driver's son is sitting with the son of the driver without the driver actually being in the car.

What sorcery is this?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Interview Marble Logic Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You are given a set of scales and 12 marbles. The scales are of the old balance variety. That is, a small dish hangs from each end of a rod that is balanced in the middle. The device enables you to conclude either that the contents of the dishes weigh the same or that the dish that falls lower has heavier contents than the other.
The 12 marbles appear to be identical. In fact, 11 of them are identical, and one is of a different weight. Your task is to identify the unusual marble and discard it. You are allowed to use the scales three times if you wish, but no more.

Note that the unusual marble may be heavier or lighter than the others. You are asked to both identify it and determine whether it is heavy or light.
category : LOGIC

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