#1 - Identify The Word Problem

Difficulty Popularity

There is a word which when reads upside or down or even backward or forward reads the same.

can you tell identify the word ?
category : WHAT AM I

#2 - Guess What Am I Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I know something such that even if you take whole , some still remains.
Do you know that word ?
category : WHAT AM I

#3 - What Am I Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

First you throw the outside, then cook the inside
Then you eat the outside and now throw the inside.

what am i ?
category : WHAT AM I

#4 - What Word Problem

Difficulty Popularity

There is a five letter word which has 3 consonants(all are same) and 2 different vowels.
Also something wrong associated with the word.

Can you name it ?
category : WHAT AM I

#5 - Who Am I Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I have three eyes in a straight line.
All my eyes are of different colours.
When my red eye opens, everything freezes.

Who Am I ?
category : WHAT AM I

#6 - Nine Letter Word Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you name a 9 letter word having only one vowel in it ?

#7 - Identify The Word Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am formed by 6 letters

Letters 1-2-6 spell out a pet,
Letters 6-5-2 spell out a drink,
Letters 4-5-2-3 spell out a fruit,

Letters 3-2-6 spell out a pest,which often gets eaten by 1-2-6

What am I ?
category : WHAT AM I

#8 - Short What Am I Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I always comes but never arrives.
What Am I ?

#9 - what word am i problem

Difficulty Popularity

I am as light as a feather, yet the strongest person not able to hold me for more than two minute.

What am I ?

#10 - What Word Am I Looking Of

Difficulty Popularity

I am thinking of a word that change both gender and number when i add the letter 'S'.

What Word Am I Thinking of ?
category : WHAT AM I

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