#1 - Interesting Gold Bar Interiew Puzzle

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You are a king of an empire. You have a servant working in your palace. He works all the seven days and you only pay him in the form of gold bar. You must pay the worker for his work every day at the end of the day.

If you are only able to make two breaks in the gold bar, how will you pay the servant if the servant works for the equal time every day and thus equal amount must be paid at the end of the day?

#2 - Popular Time Work Interview Puzzle

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Two men and seven women complete a file work in four days. Four men and 4 women complete the same file work in just 3 days.

How much time will one man take to complete the same file work?

#3 - Tricky Time Interview Puzzle

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A Bucket contains x drops and it leaks z drops in t seconds. How many minutes are needed to empty the bucket?

#4 - Tolling Bells Tricky Interview Problem

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In a school, six bells are installed. All of them commence tolling together at the intervals of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 and 12 seconds respectively. Can you find out how many times do they toll together in thirty minutes?

#5 - NetApp Interview Time Work Question

Difficulty Popularity

I have two rectangular gardens. The larger garden is thrice in the length and four times in the width of the smaller garden. Also the smaller garden has a length fifty percent more than the width.

Suppose if a person takes twenty minutes to complete one round of the smaller garden, how much time will he require to complete one round of the larger garden?

#6 - Logical Question for Interview

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A hiker is attempting to climb a sixty feet straight sloped mountain. He climbs three feet every minute but slips back two feet. How much time will he take to reach the top of the mountain considering that his progress is the same as mentioned throughout?

#7 - Time And Work Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

There is a ground where the grass grows up with a uniform rate in length and thickness. If forty cows can eat whole of the grass in forty days and thirty cows can eat the whole grass in sixty days.

How much time will twenty guys take to eat whole of the grass ?

#8 - Fill The pool Time Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Suppose there is an outlet which is pouring water at a constant rate and is able to fill a swimming pool in nine hours. There is another outlet that is able to fill the pool in five hours. If we open both the outlets and let them pour the water together

How many hours will it take to fill the pool ?

#9 - Time To Complete Work Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Machine X manufactures microchips at a uniform rate of 120 every 40 seconds and Machine Y produces microchips at a uniform rate of 100 every 20 seconds.

If both of the machines are allowed to run together, how many seconds will it take for them to manufacture 200 microchips ?

#10 - Maths Work Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A maid spends 1/4th of her time is cleaning the house, 3/8th of her time in washing the utensils and rest of the time in cooking. She works 48 hours every week.

How many hours does she spend on cooking food?

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