#1 - Mthematics Score Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Anabelle scores 55 percent marks in eight papers of 100 marks each. She 15 percent of her total marks in mathematics.

How much did Anabelle scored in mathematics?

#2 - Area of Rectangle Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You have a rectangle. If each side of it is increased by 100%, by what percentage will the area increase?

#3 - Valentine Day Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Price of a chocolate box is reduce by 30 percent for a valentine day offer. By what percentage should the price be increased to make it 100 percent?

#4 - Football Game Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In a football league, a certain team which played 60 games had won 30 percent of the games. But the team performed a winning streak and raised its average to 50 percent.

How many games must they have won in a row to raise their average to 50 percent?

#5 - Percentage Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

If hundred Kg tomatoes with 98% water concentration are dried in the over, the percentage of water concentration decreases to 50%.

What is the weight of tomatoes now ?

#6 - Petrol Percentage Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Liquid A contains 25 percent of petrol and liquid B contains 30 percent of petrol. A can C contains 6 parts of liquid A and 4 parts of liquid B.

What is the percentage of petrol in the new formed mixture?

#7 - Percentage of Gain Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

A milk seller buys 1 liter of milk for Rs.12 and mix it with 20% of water. He then sells the thus formed mixture at Rs.15/liter.

What is the percentage of gain in such case?

#8 - Easy Ratio Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Calculate the ratio of purchasing price and selling price if there is a loss of 12 1/2 %.

#9 - Ultimate Software Interview Percentage Question

Difficulty Popularity

A company organizes an annual outing to a hill station. Twenty percent of the men and forty percent of the women take that trip.

Can you determine the percentage of the employees that went to the trip if thirty five percent of the total employees are men?

#10 - Percentage Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

A shop's owner decides to calculate the percentage of customers who buy mobile phones. If forty percent of the store's customer decide to purchase items and out of those, fifteen percent of them purchase mobile phones, what percentage of the store's customers purchase mobile phones?

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