#1 - Popular Logic Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

A box contains seven purple, five blue and eleven yellow balls.

What is the minimum number of tries required to get one blue and one yellow ball ?

#2 - Toughest Bulb Logic Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There are 100 bulbs lined up in a room. All are turned on in the first pass. Then all the even numbered light bulbs are switched off. After that, every third bulb is switched on. Then all those bulbs that were switched off are turned back on and all those that were lit are turned off. Then the same process is being carried with the fourth bulb and the fifth bulb.

How many bulbs are glowing after 100 passes?

#3 - Empire State Building Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

If you are offered a stack of pennies as tall as the Empire State Building will you be able to fit them in a normal room?

#4 - Jigsaw Trap Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Detective Hoffman wakes up in a room to find himself in a trap set by Jigsaw. The room has two exits i.e. two doors. One of the door leads to a chamber made by magnifying glass. If Hoffman exits through that door, the burning sun will fry him up within moments. The second door exit leads to a fire breathing dragon.

What is the possible way in which Detective Hoffman can set himself free from the Jigsaw trap?

#5 - Monty Hall Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Sarah and Michael are a loving couple. One night Sarah playfully places three identical boxes on a table in front of Michael. Out of the three boxes, one contains a pearl and other two are empty. Michael is then allowed to pick any one of them. Now between the two boxes that remain on the table, at least one is empty. Sarah removes one empty box from the table. Now Michael must choose from the box he picked or the box on the table.

What box should Michael choose?

#6 - Faulty Coins Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

You have ten sets of 10 coins. You are aware of exactly how much the coins weigh. You also know that all the coins in one set of ten are exactly a hundredth of an ounce off which makes the entire set of the ten coins a tenth of an ounce off. Also you are aware of the fact that all the other coins weight the correct amount. Now you are allowed to use an exceptionally precise digital weighing machine only once.

Can you identify which set of 10 coins is faulty?

#7 - Valentine Day Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Price of a chocolate box is reduce by 30 percent for a valentine day offer. By what percentage should the price be increased to make it 100 percent?

#8 - Percentage Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

If hundred Kg tomatoes with 98% water concentration are dried in the over, the percentage of water concentration decreases to 50%.

What is the weight of tomatoes now ?

#9 - Sum of the Series Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Calculate the sum of the following series
1/40 + 1/88 + 1/154.... + 1/59290

#10 - Cheesboard Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

How many square of any size are there in a chess board that does not contain a rook?

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