The following Integralis AG Interview Puzzles are brought to you by GPuzzles.Com. If you are one of the students preparing for interviews, this section can brief you regarding the format of Interview Questions in Integralis AG.

A Basic info about the company:
The Integralis AG is an IT security service provider with headquarters in Munich. The German-British company currently has 22 offices in 9 countries and approximately 650 employees worldwide. In fiscal year 2012 generated revenues of 204.9 million euros. Revenues in 2009 amounted to around 174 million euros.

By reading and solving these Integralis AG Interview Puzzles, you can enhance your aptitude skills which will help you a lot during the interview process.

Integralis AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #1 - Logical Question for Interview

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A hiker is attempting to climb a sixty feet straight sloped mountain. He climbs three feet every minute but slips back two feet. How much time will he take to reach the top of the mountain considering that his progress is the same as mentioned throughout?

Integralis AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #2 - Faulty Coins Interview Question

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You have ten sets of 10 coins. You are aware of exactly how much the coins weigh. You also know that all the coins in one set of ten are exactly a hundredth of an ounce off which makes the entire set of the ten coins a tenth of an ounce off. Also you are aware of the fact that all the other coins weight the correct amount. Now you are allowed to use an exceptionally precise digital weighing machine only once.

Can you identify which set of 10 coins is faulty?

Integralis AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #3 - Fishermen and Fishes Interview Puzzle

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Six fishermen catches six fishes in six minutes. How many fishermen will be needed to catch sixty fishes in sixty minutes?

Integralis AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #4 - Logical Treasure Interview Puzzle

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Sheldon Cooper reaches the final destination in his quest of finding the hidden treasures. The final destination has two doors - one leads to the treasure and the other leads to a deadly maze that ends only at death. The doors are protected by two guards. Both of the guards know the correct door that leads to the treasure. One of the guards never speaks a lie and the other always speaks a lie. But the sad part is that there is no way Sheldon Cooper can identify who is the liar and who speaks truth. Also the guards allow only one question to be asked to any one of the both.

What question will Sheldon Cooper ask and to whom to finally get the treasure he has been searching for?

Integralis AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #5 - Bouncing Object Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A round bouncing object is dropped from a building of height 20 feet. Every time it touches the floor, it bounces back to a height which is one half of the height of the last bounce.

If you measure till the objects comes to rest, how much distance would it have covered by then?

a) 30 feet
b) 40 feet
c) 50 feet
d) 60 feet

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