Mind Teasers : Read Carefully Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There's a strange land where

* there's mummies and daddies but no babies.
* Books but no libraries.
* Mirrors but no reflections.
* Kittens but no cats.
* Cattle but no cows.
* Lollipops but no candy and trees but no forests.

It's the land of what ?
category : RIDDLE


Mind Teasers : Impossible Maths Science Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Cindy throws a ball from a 90 feet building. The ball is quite bouncy and when it hits the ground, it bounces back half way up. It keeps bouncing back to half way up.

How many bounces will the ball take before it comes to a permanent halt?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Matchsticks Relationship Puzzle - Know Your Alphabets

Difficulty Popularity

What is the relationship between these matchsticks figures below?

Hint: You must know your alphabets.

Mind Teasers : Box Ball Logic Problem

Difficulty Popularity

There are three bags.The first bag has two blue rocks. The second bag has two red rocks. The third bag has a blue and a red rock. All bags are labeled but all labels are wrong.You are allowed to open one bag, pick one rock at random, see its color and put it back into the bag, without seeing the color of the other rock.

How many such operations are necessary to correctly label the bags ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Sunday Probability Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Whats the probability of getting 5 Sunday(my favorite day) in a 31 day month ?

Mind Teasers : Math IQ Question

Difficulty Popularity

Adam is one of the finalist in an IQ championship. As the final test, he is provided with two hourglass. One of them can measure eleven minutes while the other one can measure thirteen minutes.
He is asked to measure exactly fifteen minutes using those two hourglasses. How will he do it ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

Mind Teasers : Children Age Football Count Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

At a local club party at Chelsea club house, four ladies were there with their four children who aged 1, 2, 3 and 4. Also, these children have one, two, three and four footballs with the different order.

We know the below facts:
Aina has more footballs that his age.
Kalas is older than Zouma.
One child has the same number of footballs as his age.
Ake has fewer footballs than Kalas.
Child aged 3 has two footballs.

Ake is the youngest.

Can you determine the age of the children and the number of football they have?

category : MATHS

Mind Teasers : Knockout Matches Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Let us say that a table tennis tournament was going on with knock out terms which means the one who loses the match is out of the tournament. 100 players took part in that tournament.

How many matches were played?

Mind Teasers : Tricky Adam Eve Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Stephen died of heart attack. His soul was received in heaven. He was astonished to find himself as young as he had been in his young adult age. He looked around and there were thousands of young and naked people. His eyes searched to find someone familiar and suddenly he noticed Adam and Eve.

How did Stephen recognize them?

Mind Teasers : Hidden Bird In Snow Picture Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the hidden bird in the picture (winter time) below?

category : PICTURE

Mind Teasers : 4 + 9 != 13

Difficulty Popularity

If the following is true, can you find the value of (4 + 9)?

7 + 7 = 2
8 + 8 = 4
8 + 5 = 1
6 + 9 = 3
10 + 11 = 9
category : LOGIC | SERIES

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