Mind Teasers : How Many Tea Math Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If one and a half women, drink one and a half tea in one and a half minutes.

How many tea can 9 women drink in 3 minutes ?
category : MATHS


Mind Teasers : Hard Logical Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You are the ruler of a medieval empire and you are about to have a celebration tomorrow. The celebration is the most important party you have ever hosted. You've got 1000 bottles of wine you were planning to open for the celebration, but you find out that one of them is poisoned.

The poison exhibits no symptoms until death. Death occurs within ten to twenty hours after consuming even the minutest amount of poison.

You have over a thousand slaves at your disposal and just under 24 hours to determine which single bottle is poisoned.

You have a handful of prisoners about to be executed, and it would mar your celebration to have anyone else killed.

What is the smallest number of prisoners you must have to drink from the bottles to be absolutely sure to find the poisoned bottle within 24 hours?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Save Death Penalty Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A man committed a felony. As per the rules of the empire, the king decided to sentence him to death. However, he gave the man a choice; a choice to decide which way he wanted to die.

The man was quite smart and he said something, which saved him from his death. What do you think he must have said?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Cake Grandma bridge Logic Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Rohit is on his way to visit your Grandma, who lives at the end of the state.It's her birthday, and he want to give her the cakes that he has made.Between his place and her grandma house, he need to cross 7 toll bridges.
Before you can cross the toll bridge, you need to give them half of the cakes you are carrying, but as they are kind trolls, they each give you back a single cake.

How many cakes do rohit have to carry with him so he can reach his grandma home with exactly 2 cakes?

Mind Teasers : Chocolates In Hand Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of chocolates in hand?

category : HUMOUR | PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Move 3 MatchSticks Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You need to divide area in the picture below into two equal parts by using exactly three match sticks. Can you do it?

Mind Teasers : Terrorist Attack Security Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

UNO plans a gathering.
However there is threat of terrorist attack. So security guard who is a mathematical plans somethings to secure the place.

A terrorist stands nearby the door where
1st ambassador comes , the security guard said 'twelve' and ambassador replied with 'six'.
2nd ambassador comes , the security guard said 'six' and ambassador replied with 'three'.

The terrorist thinks its enough and walks to the door.
The security person said 'eight' , terrorist replied 'four' and get immediately arrested.

why ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Hardest Chess Problem

Difficulty Popularity

This is a classic chess puzzle and considered to be one of the hardest puzzles in history.
As shown in the picture below, White army is arranged in a classic chess board. You need to add black army i.e
1 king
1 queen
2 rooks
2 bishops
2 knights
8 pawns
in such a way that not a single piece of either color is under attack.

category : PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Popular Castle History Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A square island comprised of a square castle. A 14m wide trench surrounded the island from everywhere. Roman Empire wanted to invade the castle and gain the loot as well as possession of the island. They brought along wooden planks to cross the trench. However, they realized that the planks were just 13m long.

How did they use those planks to invade as well as capture the island ?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Maths Cube Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You have two cubes with plane faces. You have to mark both the cubes with numbers in a manner that all the days of a month can be portrayed using those cubes. Also, note that you have to use both the cubes for displaying any date. Suppose if you have to display the 5th day of the month, you will have to display it as 05.

Can you do it?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : 8 Toothpicks Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Can you form eight squares of three different sizes by moving only two toothpick?

category : PICTURE

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