Mind Teasers : Hilarious Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Analyze the picture below. The King of Moghul have tied you on the tree heads down for having an affair with his daughter. The other end of the rope has been anchored on the ground below which a candle is lit that is slowly burning away the rope. A cannibal lion has been left loose in the scenario that is waiting for you to drop down so he can eat you up.
But there is a way through which you can survive the situation. Can you think of it?

category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE


Mind Teasers : Popular Logical Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A couple had to take shelter in a hotel for they could not proceed their journey in the rain. Having nothing to do at all, they started playing cards. Suddenly there was a short circuit and the lights went off. The husband inverted the position of 15 cards in the deck (52 cards normal deck) and shuffled the deck.

Now he asked his wife to divide the deck into two different piles which may not be equal but both of them should have equal number of cards facing up. There was no source of light in the room and the wife was unable to see the cards.

For a certain amount of time, she thought and then divided the cards in two piles. To the husband’s astonishment, both of the piles had equal number of cards facing up.

How did she do it?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : King Gift Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

King Charles want to send the diamond ring to his girlfriend securely.He got multiple locks and their corresponding keys.His girl friend does not have any keys to these locks and if he send the key without a lock , the key can be copied in the way.How can charles send the ring to his girl friend securely .
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Measure Water Supply Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You had an infinite supply of water and a 5 ml and 3 ml gallons.

How would you measure exactly 4 ml in least number of steps ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

Mind Teasers : The Girl Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You see a beautiful girl sitting. You can't sit on her place even if she standup and the leave the place.

Where is she sitting?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Awesome Clock Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Time 12:21 is a palindrome as it reads the same forwards or backwards.
Whats the Whats the shortest interval between two palindromic times ?

example => 11:11 and 12:21 has interval of 1 hr 10 minutes.
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Tricky Brain Teaser Problem

Difficulty Popularity

I was invited on a pet show by a fellow colleague. Since I was a bit busy that day, I sent my brother to the show. When he returned back I asked him about the show. He told me that all except two animals were fishes, all except two animals were cats and all except two entries were dogs.

To his statement I was a bit puzzled and I could not understand how many animals of each kind were present in that pet show. Can you tell me?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Pizza Cost Math Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Jasmine, Thibault, and Noah were having a night out and decided to order a pizza for $10. It turned out that Jasmine and Thibault were hungrier than Noah. They both ate 6 slices a piece, and Noah got to eat just 2 slices.

Now they want to do a fair split of money. The problem is that none of them have coins with them. Thus, they want to round off the cost to nearest dollar.

What will be the correct way to do it?

What if the pizza's cost was $11?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Football 2014 World Cup - The Pots Quiz Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You need to pick one entry from potA and one from potB to have a perfect match.
Can you do it?

This will test your football knowledge of 2014 football world cup.

category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Tricky Probabilty Problem To Solve

Difficulty Popularity

Aishwarya was first to board to her flight to delhi.
She forgot her seat number and picks a random seat for herself.
After this, every single person who get to the flight sits on his seat if its available else chooses any available seat at random.
Abhishek is last to enter the flight and at that moment 99/100 seats were occupied.

Whats the probability what Abhishek gets to sit in his own seat ?

Mind Teasers : Thinking Age Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Two friends , Torres and Lampard, meet after a long time.

Torres: Hey, how are you man?
Lampard: Not bad, got married and I have three kids now.
Torres: That's awesome. How old are they?
Lampard: The product of their ages is 72 and the sum of their ages is the same as your birth date.
Torres: Cool..But I still don't know.
Lampard: My eldest kid just started taking piano lessons.
Torres: Oh now I get it.

How old are Lampard's kids?
category : LOGIC

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