Mind Teasers : Funny Small Riddle Series

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You need to complete the series of riddles which are stated as :

1. You have a task to put a dinosaur in your cupboard ?
2. You have a task to put a tiger in your cupboard
3. Lion, the jungle king invites all the animals to his 22nd birthday party. Everyone single animal comes except for one animal, which one ?
4. There is small lake having deadly crocodile , you cannot go over it, you cannot go under it and you cannot go around it, how do you get across ?


Mind Teasers : Red | Blue | White Logical Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

At a restaurant downtown, Mr. Red, Mr. Blue, and Mr. White meet for lunch. Under their coats they are wearing either a red, blue, or white shirt.Mr. Blue says, 'Hey, did you notice we are all wearing different colored shirts from our names?' The man wearing the white shirt says, 'Wow, Mr. Blue, that's right!'
Can you tell who is wearing what color shirt?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Eden Hazard And The Two Masked People Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Eden Hazard the famous Chelsea footballer leave home and then he makes three left turns and returns home where he found 2 people wearing the mask.

Can you Identify the two masked people?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Married UnMarried Looking Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Terry Is looking at Millie
Millie is looking Stones
Terry is married while Stones is not.

So Is married person looking at an unmarried person?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Need more information.

category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Best Maths Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A competitive exam was held in which five students took part namely Billy, Gerry, Clark, Peeta and Jonathan. In this exam, they had to answer five questions each out of which, three had multiple choices as a, b or c and two were simple true and false questions. The five of them gave different answers to the questions and the details are as given below.

Name 1 2 3 4 5

Gerry c b True True False

Billy c c True True True

Clark a c False True True

Peeta b a True True False

Jonathan a b True False True

None of the two students gave the same number of correct answers. Can you find out the correct answers to the question? Also, calculate the individual score of all the five guys.
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Interview Balls Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In a closed jar, there are three strawberry candies, two mango candies and five pineapple candies. You can't see inside the jar. Now, how many toffees you must take out from the jar to make sure that you have one of each flavor?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Logic Fruits Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a box full of fruits,
all but two are grapes,
all but two are apples,
and all but two are oranges.

How many fruits are in the box ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Trick Interesting Maths puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There are three cars in a racing track. The track is made forming a perfect circle and is quite wide so that at one time, multiple cars can pass through it. The car which is leading is driving at 55 MPH and the slowest car is driving at 45 MPH. The car that is in middle of these two is driving in between the two speeds. For the time being you can say that the distance between the fastest car and the middle car is x miles and it is same between the middle car and the slowest car. Also, x is not equal to 0 or 1.

The car keeps running till the leading car catches up with the slowest car and then every car stops. Given the case, do you think that at any point, the distance between any two pairs will again become x miles?

Mind Teasers : Three Magic Numbers Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Find three magic number such that ?

* Product of three numbers is prime.
* 2nd number - 1st number = 3rd number - 2nd number
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Number Sequence Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Identify the next two numbers in this Sequence ?

101, 112, 131, 415, 161, 718, ???, ???

category : LOGIC | SERIES

Mind Teasers : Game Of Dice Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A unique solo game of dice is being played. Two dices are thrown in each turn and the scores are taken by multiplying the numbers obtained.

Now talking about a particular game, here are the facts:
1) The score for the second roll is five more than the score for the first roll.
2) The score for the third roll is six less than the score for the second roll.
3) The score for the fourth roll is eleven more than the score for the third roll.
4) The score for the fifth roll is eight less than the score for the fourth roll.

Reading the above facts, can you tell the score for each of the five throws?
category : LOGIC

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