Mind Teasers : Fernando + Alonso + McLaren = 6 Equation Riddle

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Fernando + Alonso + McLaren = 6

Fernando x Alonso = 2

Alonso x McLaren = 6


McLaren x Fernando =?

category : MATHS | EQUATION


Mind Teasers : Knockout Matches Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Let us say that a table tennis tournament was going on with knock out terms which means the one who loses the match is out of the tournament. 100 players took part in that tournament.

How many matches were played?

Mind Teasers : Football 2014 World Cup - The Pots Quiz Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You need to pick one entry from potA and one from potB to have a perfect match.
Can you do it?

This will test your football knowledge of 2014 football world cup.

category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Quick Thinking Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

A petri dish kept in a lab has a colony of healthy bacteria. Every bacterium divides itself into two in exactly two minutes. Now the colony started with a single cell at 2 pm. If the petri dish was exactly half full of bacteria at 3 pm, when will the dish become full of bacteria?

Mind Teasers : Terrorist Plane Hijack Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A terrorist hijacks a plane with 10 passengers and there is a lot of gold in the plane.
After taking all the gold, the terrorist asked the government officials for 11 parachutes.
He killed all the passenger so that no one can identify him , take one parachute and jumps off.

Was he stupid to ask for 11 parachutes if he need only one ?

Mind Teasers : Nine Coins Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Nine coins are arranged in a triangle as shown in the picture below. You need to slide two triangles to form a square. Can you do it?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

Mind Teasers : What Is It six letter word. Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

It's a six letter word.
The first four letter is me.
The second and last letter are the same.
The fourth second and last letter are payment.

What Is It ?

Mind Teasers : Unlock The Distance Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Distances from you to Man united is written below.

CHELSEA and ARSENAL are 700 kms away
SPURS 1800 kms away
WOLVES 200 kms away

Based on the system , How far should it be to MANCITY ?

Mind Teasers : The problem of the family of Amazon

Difficulty Popularity

While walking through the deepest jungle of the amazon, Steve the explorer came across a mystical tomb. He went closer and it read:
"Here lies two faithful husbands, with their two faithful wives,
Here lies two grandmothers along with their two granddaughters,
Here lies two dad's along with their two beloved daughters,
Here lies two mothers along with their two lovely sons,
Here lies two maidens along with their two charming mothers,
Here lies two sisters along with their two amazing brothers.
All were born legitimate, with no incest."
Steve, then checked and saw that there were only 6 graves in total

How was this possible? Steve needs your help to figure it out.

Mind Teasers : Classic Five Tablet Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Roy was suffering from severe headaches. He went to see his doctor and the doctor gave him five tablets asking him to take one tablet every 15 minutes.

How much time will it take Roy to consume all the five tablets?

Mind Teasers : 2 Golfer Sports Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson are well-known golf rivals. One Day during a match, they were level at a score of 30. Phil hit a bad shot and Tiger added 10 to his score. Tiger then hit an awesome shot and he won the game.

How ?

category : LOGIC

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