Aptitude Questions : Ultimate Software Interview Time Distance Puzzle

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A father and his son lives together and shares the same office. The father takes 30 minutes to reach the office whereas the son takes just 20 minutes to reach the office.

If the father starts from home at 10:00 am and the son starts from home at 10:05 am, when will the son catch up with his father?


Aptitude Questions : Infoedge Interview Aptitude Problem

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On a magical-intellectual land of gpuzzles , all the animal are rational(real smart).

There are six leopards and one sheep.
Leopard can eat sheep but since as the land is magical, the leopards who eats the sheep , turns into sheep and then can be eaten by the remaining leopard(s).

If we leave them for some time then how many sheep and leopard will be there , when we come back ?

Aptitude Questions : Tricky Logic Question

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A claustrophobic person boards a train that is just about to enter a tunnel.

Which place will be the best for him to sit?

Aptitude Questions : Cool Equation Riddle

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If 1 + 9 + 11 = 1, Then what is the value of

12 + 11 + 9 = ?

Aptitude Questions : The Elf Logical Puzzle

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A wicked sorcerer felt enmity towards elf and thus he chooses four among the rest of the elf's and concealed them. The elves are concealed in the ground in a manner that apart from their head the rest of their body was underneath the ground. The elf's are unable to move their body and can only see in that direction that they are facing. All the elf's are concealed underground in such a way that they form a straight line and among those four elf's that are concealed underground one of the elf is detached form the other three elf's via wall. The entire elf's are in the same direction. The elf that is the furthest can only see the heads of its friends in front and a wall. The elf that is second last can only see one head of his friend and a wall. The second elf can only view the wall. The elf can see nothing.
The sorcerer understands the situation and tells the elf's that he has placed hats over their heads. Among the hats places two hat are blue and the other two are red. Among all the four elfs one of the elf has to guess that which colour hat is he wearing. If the elf answers correctly then he shall be set free or else he will have to dig beneath the ground till the very last.
category : LOGIC

Aptitude Questions : Math IQ Question

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Adam is one of the finalist in an IQ championship. As the final test, he is provided with two hourglass. One of them can measure eleven minutes while the other one can measure thirteen minutes.
He is asked to measure exactly fifteen minutes using those two hourglasses. How will he do it ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

Aptitude Questions : Best Thinking Brain Teaser Ever

Difficulty Popularity

Three men are living in a desert namely – Alex, Brian and Chris.

Alex hates Chris and thus he decides to kill him. To succeed in his evil intentions, he poison the water supply of Chris. Since they are living in desert, he will have to drink water or he will die of thirst.

Brian is not aware of the actions of Alex and he plans to kill Chris as well. To do this, he killed the water supply of Chris.

Chris dies due to his thirst. Who killed him?

Aptitude Questions : Whats The Temperature Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Below rebus represents the current Temperature.


What is the current Temperature ?
category : REBUS

Aptitude Questions : Popular Logical Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A couple had to take shelter in a hotel for they could not proceed their journey in the rain. Having nothing to do at all, they started playing cards. Suddenly there was a short circuit and the lights went off. The husband inverted the position of 15 cards in the deck (52 cards normal deck) and shuffled the deck.

Now he asked his wife to divide the deck into two different piles which may not be equal but both of them should have equal number of cards facing up. There was no source of light in the room and the wife was unable to see the cards.

For a certain amount of time, she thought and then divided the cards in two piles. To the husband’s astonishment, both of the piles had equal number of cards facing up.

How did she do it?
category : LOGIC

Aptitude Questions : Knockout Matches Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Let us say that a table tennis tournament was going on with knock out terms which means the one who loses the match is out of the tournament. 100 players took part in that tournament.

How many matches were played?

Aptitude Questions : Interview Balls Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In a closed jar, there are three strawberry candies, two mango candies and five pineapple candies. You can't see inside the jar. Now, how many toffees you must take out from the jar to make sure that you have one of each flavor?
category : LOGIC

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