Aptitude Questions : Complex Grid Interview Puzzle

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You are given with a cube with a three by three grid. Suppose you are standing on the back left corner of the cube and you are supposed to reach the front right of the cube. You are free to move towards the front, downwards or upwards.

How many ways are there that will take you to the end.


Aptitude Questions : Classic Lateral Thinking Problem

Difficulty Popularity

There are two glasses in front of you. One of the glasses is full of coke and the other glass is full of lemonade. You take a spoonful of coke and mix it into the glass of lemonade. Now the lemonade glass has a mixture of coke and lemonade. You take a spoonful of that mixture and mix it inside the coke glass.

Now what do you think? - The glass with coke has more quantity of lemonade or the glass with lemonade have more quantity of coke mixed with it?

Aptitude Questions : Tricky Logic Question

Difficulty Popularity

A claustrophobic person boards a train that is just about to enter a tunnel.

Which place will be the best for him to sit?

Aptitude Questions : IAS Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

I need to divide numbers from 1 to 9 into two group such that sum of numbers in one group is equal to the sum of other group.
Note : 6 cannot be flipped over to make it 9.
category : LOGIC

Aptitude Questions : Decipher MatchSticks Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you decipher the two rows to find the hidden word?

Aptitude Questions : Logic Fruits Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a box full of fruits,
all but two are grapes,
all but two are apples,
and all but two are oranges.

How many fruits are in the box ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Aptitude Questions : Logical Arrangement Bonfire Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

30 classmates went for a bonfire. While sitting around the fire, they decided to play a game. To play it, they divided themselves into 5 teams in a way that there were 5 rows having 7 people each.

How can this arrangement be possible while sitting around the bonfire?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Aptitude Questions : Riddle 1 - 1 !=3

Difficulty Popularity

Can you move four matchsticks to make the equation true?

Aptitude Questions : Tough Two Jug Measuring Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I got two jugs of
A) 11 liter
B) 6 liter

How can I measure exactly 9 liters ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

Aptitude Questions : Very Hard Math Question

Difficulty Popularity

There stand nine temples in a row in a holy place. All the nine temples have 100 steps climb. A fellow devotee comes to visit the temples. He drops a Re. 1 coin while climbing each of the 100 steps up. Then he offers half of the money he has in his pocket to the god. After that, he again drops Re. 1 coin while climbing down each of the 100 steps of the temple.

If he repeats the same process at each temple, he is left with no money after climbing down the ninth temple. Can you find out the total money he had with him initially?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Aptitude Questions : Impossible Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In a recreational activity, you are given four different jars of 2 liters, 4 liters, 6 liters and 8 liters respectively with an unlimited water supply. Then you are asked to measure exactly 5 liters of water using them.

How will you do it?

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